OpenAdmin HTB

5 min readDec 26, 2020



This is a just linux server which is hosting a few websites, which we will exploit with the help of a CVE, a config file and a hidden website on thee same server.


Let us start with a port scan to identify the running services. I use personally use RustScan.

rustscan -a -- -sC -sV

Or if you wish to use Nmap…

nmap -sC -sV
nmap scan

As we can see, port 22(ssh) and port 80(http) are open.

Enumeration: Port 80

On enumerating port 80, we see the default apache webpage(nothing interesting…).


But on doing a directory brute force…

python3 -u -E -x 400,500 -r 1 -t 100 -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt

we see some interesting results…

Dirb results

We find 3 directories /music, /artwork, /sierra… …(nothing useful, same thing with /artwork)

But the login button in leads us to a special directory…

As we can see, the alert tells us that we are using an outdated version of ona or OpenNetAdmin. Now we just need to search for exploits for this version.

SearchSploit gives us a good answer

searchsploit opennetadmin 18.1.1

You can use metasploit for it to be easy, but for the sake of the witeup I will use not use msf.


ExploitDB’s exploit didn’t work for me for some reason…

But luckily I found a python program for this in GitHub…

So I used this exploit and got a shell

python3 exploit

This shell was not very interactive, so I decided to use NetCat instead.

After enumerating a little, I find a juicy file called in /opt/ona/www/local/config

We find a few credentials, this doesnt help us with mysql

mysql -uona_sys -p

we find the creds for the OpenAdmin menu in the /ona directory

but those creds can be used to login as the user Jimmy

su jimmy


ssh jimmy@

On more enumeration, we find the the directory /var/www/internal is only readable by Jimmy.

We see that it has 3 files, index.php, main.php and logout.php

index.php :

it looks like a login form and we also notice the hardcoded username and password hash(…



we see that the php code shows us the output of Joanna’s ssh keys which we can use to login as her.

But which port is this site running on?

As the name suggests, it must be an internal service…

To find these services we can run…

ss -lntp

we find an this service running internally on port 52846

To access this we need to use ssh tunnelling

ssh -L [port]:localhost:[port] <username>@<ip>ssh -L 52846:localhost:localhost jimmy@

Then on going to http://localhost:52846

we find this site and we already found the password before in the source code for index.php.

After logging in, we get the id_rsa file for Joanna

Now lets covert this into a hash file john can decrypt with the help of file. id_rsa_that_you_copied_after_login

Once the conversion is done, we can now find the password for the id_rsa file with JohnTheRipper

John --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt id_rsa

After letting it run we get the passphrase as b*********s.

And then we successfully login as Joanna

Let us find what commands Joanna is able to run as sudo

sudo -l

We find that the user can run nano(the text editor) and a file /opt/priv as root.

On examining/opt/priv, we find that it is an empty file.

But we can still open it with nano

sudo nano /opt/priv

We can then follow the instructions on to escalate our privileges to root.

And there you have it…

We just rooted the OpenAdmin box.

The enumeration in this box was a pain for me, but I learnt a lot from it. Hope you enjoyed this writeup.

(if you enjoyed, feel free to hit the respect button, please…).



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